sábado, 20 de junio de 2015


Another school year has successfully completed. My 4º ESO A and B students have done a really good job and taken part in a great variety of activities throughout this year. Part of them can be seen on our classroom wall and on the amazing blog which has been created for our eTwinning project: 


It has truly been a real pleasure to work with all of you!

lunes, 8 de junio de 2015

TOP STUDENTS (School year 2014-15)

Some awards in recognition of their hard work were given to the very best students who got the highest number of stickers throughout the school year. The ceremony held during the English lesson was very exciting because it was the first time some students got the same number of sctickers. 

    First position:  Elena Casado González 
                            Laura Iglesias Fernández

    Second position: Teresa Gómez Cidoncha

    Third position: Cristóbal Carrasco Díaz
                            Manuel Mª Gallego Sánchez
                            Francisco Gómez López

domingo, 7 de junio de 2015


On June 5th a ceremony was held to give the diplomas and prizes to those students who participated in the contest. Once again the English Department gave a voucher of 20€ to the students who got the first position at each level.
This year our students did a great work and four of them got a very good position in Badajoz. 
First position in Badajoz
3º ESO

Teresa Gómez CidonchaSecond position
Francisco Gómez LópezThird position
Elena Casado GonzálezFourth position
4º ESO

I would like to finish by thanking our 4º ESO "A" and "B" students for taking part in the contest another year more.